Aufgrund des guten Wetters war es möglich, das Chassis-Paket weiter zu entwickeln und von Anfang bis zum Ende die verschiedenen Komponenten auszuwerten. Die trockene Strecke und der konsistente Asphalt ermöglichten Sykes seine allerersten richtigen Testfahrten auf dieser Strecke, da er bis jetzt nur paar Runden auf nasser Fahrbahn probieren konnte. Trotz fehlender Streckenkenntnis konnte Sykes in seinem üblichen schnellen, konsequenten Stil, gute Rundenzeiten einfahren. Seine Bestzeit lag bei 1.40,04. Auch der 19jährige Loris Baz fuhr schnelle Zeiten und bewies seine Lernfähigkeit. Seine Bestzeit betrug 1.41,40. Auch am letzen Testtag hat Baz ein sehr positives Ergebnis am Rennsimulator geliefert.
Abschließend die Stellungnahmen von Sykes und Baz im Originalwortlaut:
Tom Sykes: “Today was very productive and I did 89 laps, which is about four race distances, so needless to say I will sleep well tonight! I am happy because we know what we need to do and we have taken a lot of information from this test. Monday was my first dry day here at Jerez because I had only been able to do ten wet laps before. I am still finding a few little secrets so I am happy because many other riders have been here many times, especially the ex-GP riders. Our times were pretty good. I did a 1’40.4 on an SC1 tyre and although we went to try an SC0 tyre at the end if the day, with the low sun and so on, I thought we would give it a miss. At the end of the day this is testing and it has been a good experience. We have done some good laps, fast and consistently and we have worked on various settings on the bike.”
Loris Baz: “I am happy with my lap time because I did a 1’41.4 second lap with a race tyre, an SC1, in the morning. Then we did a race simulation with good lap times. I had two small crashes on the final day but when trying out some new parts on the bike. It is part of the job sometimes. It is another new track here. Overall our winter tests have gone well. Before the final race of 2012 I was maybe 1.5 seconds behind Tom but now it is something like half a second to one second, so we have improved things a lot.”