Technologie Motor-Management-Technologie

Seit dem Bau des ersten Motorradmotors im Jahr 1950 haben wir bei Kawasaki konsequent neue Technologien zur Entwicklung unserer Hochleistungsmotoren eingesetzt.
Heute weist unsere Modellpalette eine Reihe vielfältiger technologischer Innovationen auf, die im Laufe unserer langen Firmengeschichte entwickelt wurden.

KTRC (3-mode, 9-levels)

9-Mode KTRC (Kawasaki TRaction Control), Kawasaki’s most advanced traction control system, offers both enhanced sport riding performance and the peace of mind to negotiate slippery surfaces with confidence.

9-mode KTRC combines the best elements of Kawasaki’s earlier traction control systems. Riders can choose from three modes, each offering a progressively greater level of intrusion. Within each mode there are three rider-selectable levels, adding more or less intrusion (rider preferences for each mode are programmable for easy on-the-move selection from the left handle), for a total of nine possible settings. Riders may also elect to turn the system off.

The new KTRC system combines the logic and control of Kawasaki’s earlier traction control systems (S-KTRC, 1-mode KTRC) in each mode. Primary operation is similar to S-KTRC, which prioritises maximum forward acceleration using predictive-style intervention. But should excessive rear wheel speed be detected while operating in any mode, engine output is reduced to a level where grip can be regained, which provides rider reassurance by facilitating smooth riding on slippery surfaces.

Depending on the model, a Rain Mode is also included. This can be turned on and off independently of KTRC. Activating Rain Mode sets KTRC to Mode 3+, and also limits power output, torque and response. Similar to a Low Power setting, maximum engine output is reduced, and throttle response is milder.